

Leaf containing "Splendor paternae gloriae" / Ambrose of Milan
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Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan, -397
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Manuscripts, Medieval--Kansas--Lawrence
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[between 1451 and 1500]
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Extent: 1 leaf : parchment ; 562 x 395 (360 x 230) mm
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Title devised by cataloger.
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Manuscript leaf
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Collation: 1 (parchment).
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Foliation: Contemporary foliation in red in upper right corner (cliii). Foliation supplied by cataloger.
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Layout: Written in 12 long lines, below top line. Ruled in ink, with full-length vertical bounding lines and a full-length horizontal bounding line in the upper margin ruled in drypoint.
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Script: Written by a single hand in Gothic rotunda.
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Decoration: 1-line initials in alternating red with brown penwork and blue with red penwork.
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Music: Contains square notation on two-line staff in red.
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Binding: Unbound.
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Origin: Probably written in Italy in the second half of the fifteenth century.
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Shelfmark: Lawrence, University of Kansas, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, MS Qa38
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In good condition except the leaf is cockled around the edges. Minor soiling on both sides.
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History of the manuscript is unknown. Possible bookseller marks in pencil in the lower margin of the recto side: "#31"; "Vellum. Italy. 1470 AD. Antiphonal."
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5 September 2023
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5 September 2023
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