

A dream of bounden dutie : dedicated to Queen Elizabeth /
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Extent: 61 leaves : parchment ; 134 x 152 (109 x 69) mm bound to 140 x 156 mm
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Dedication (f. 1r): "My unlearned travayle and symple invention by me named a dreame of bounden duetie I hit heare dedicate unto you my moste Sovereigne redoubted ... Ladye to yis ende and extent that when youre moste royall estate and excellent Ma[jes]tie shall wexe wery of grave profounde studie as well phylosophicall as matter apperteynynge to publique governement and Common Weale. Then yis...
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Origin: Written in England, ca. 1580 (Zacour-Hirsch).
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Title and author taken from verso of front endleaf. Author statement occurs before statement of dedication: A Dream of Bounden Dutie by Michell Archer. Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth.
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Author's name spelled "Mighell Archar" at end of dedication (f. 1v). At end of work author's last name given as "Archer".
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Ms. codex.
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Incipit of prologue (f. 2r): In a mornyng before ye day / It was in January and not in May / Were it for watching or labour / So sound I slept that lute ne tabour / ...
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Foliation: Parchment, i (18th-century paper) + 61 + i (18th-century paper); [1-61]; modern foliation in pencil, upper right recto.
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Layout: Written in seven-line stanzas; ruled in red ink.
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Script: Written in an English court script by a single hand.
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Binding: 18th-century green velvet. Front cover board and first five quires completely detached. Cover peeled off of spine.
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Decoration: First word of each part and all proper names rubricated.
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Sold by Raphael King (London), cat. 50 (1950), no. 135.
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Formerly owned by Narcissus Luttrell (monogram and date, 1693, f. 1r).
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19 September 2023
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19 September 2023
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