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Canon law--Handbooks, manuals, etc--Early works to 1800
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Early works to 1800
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Notaries (Canon law)--Handbooks, manuals, etc--Early works to 1800
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Extent: 43 leaves : parchment ; 230 x 172 mm bound to 240 x 175 mm
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Incipit (5th work): Ad ide[m] Ramu[n]d[us] v[er]o de p[re]d[i]c[t]a m[ateri]a sentit s[ic] [et] dicit.
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The pastedown inside the back cover shows a liturgical calendar of German origin for July.
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Explicit (5th work): ...dic i[n]disti[n]cte q[uod] deb[et] mane[re], q[uia] dolus alior[um] ut simplicitas voventis no[n] excusat i[n] talibus.
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Title and author from incipit (f. 1r).
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Collation: Parchment, 43; 1⁸ (- 2), 2⁸, 3⁸, 4⁸, 5⁸, 6⁶ (-1) (Berlow); [1-43]; modern foliation in pencil, upper right recto.
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Script: Written in an early Gothic bookhand (1st work and most of 3rd work) and a small cursive notarial hand (end of 3rd work, 2nd, 4th, and 5th works) (Berlow).
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Decoration: Red used for initials and rubrics in the 1st and 3rd works.
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Binding: Contemporary half-pigskin over wooden boards with pastedowns taken from an 11th-century liturgical manuscript (Zacour-Hirsch Catalogue, Berlow). Front pastedown loose.
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Origin: Written in the late 13th century, perhaps in Italy (Zacour-Hirsch Catalogue).
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Incipit (1st work): Incipit summa mag[ist]ri Johan[n]is de Bononia. Reverendo i[n] X[rist]o D[omi]no gr[ati]a Cant[abrigiae?] archiep[iscop]o totius Angli[a]e p[ri]mati. Joh[ann]es Bon[onia].
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Explicit (1st work): Res[er]vata nobis plenam [et] lib[er]am potestatem p[ro]ut crediderim[us] esse iustu[m] alias in d[i]c[t]o negocio p[ro]cedendi. In cui[us] rei testimo[niae]. [etc.] dat[um] [etc.] Deo gr[ati]as.
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Incipit (3rd work): Incipit summa [com]posita a mag[ist]ro Arnulfo Caconico [i.e. Canonico] P[ar]isiense sup[er] processu ordinis iudicarii. Ut nos minores in iure aliq[uo] m[odo] possimus instrui...
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Explicit (3rd work): Datum [?] explicit p[ro]cess[us] Arnulfi.
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Incipit (4th work): Om[n]ib[us] p[re]sente[m] pagina[m] i[n]sp[ec]turis Joh[ann]es i[n]digne d[i]c[t]us mag[iste]r ac Halb[er]stad[e]n[sis] p[re]p[osi]t[u]s in salutis au[cto]re sal[utem].
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Explicit (4th work): Et ut n[u]lla sup[er] h[oc] hesitat[i]o h[ab]eat[ur], p[re]sente[m] pagina[m] sigillo p[ro]p[ri]o [con]signav[i].
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Ms. codex.
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Sold by Witten (catalog 4, no. 59), 1957. Catalog in curatorial files.
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Sold by E. P. Goldschmidt & Co., Ltd. to Laurence C. Witten, 1955 (Berlow).
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19 September 2023
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19 September 2023
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