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Extent: fols. 41; membrane; 146 x 95 (65 x 45)
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Layout: 1 column, 15 lines
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Decoration: 1- and 2-line initials in burnished gold on pink and blue grounds with white penwork highlights, occasional horizontal bar line-fillers in blue and pink with white highlights and gold bezants in the center, occasional lemma underlined in violet ink, and prompts and rubrics in red
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Ruled in pink ink
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Striation marks from lunellum scraping during parchment manufacture apparent on some folios
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faint offset of illuminated miniature opening the Hours of the Cross on verso of fol. 89.16
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Moisture damage has contributed to the offset of pigments on some facing pages
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Some early pagination in brown ink survives at upper out corners of recto on most folios
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Provenance: 35 folios donated by David Bee (Los Angeles, CA) in 1982, formerly Spec.Rare.CMS.113, VIII-83, 1982.371.001-011 and VIII-84, 1982.362.001-024
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Provenance: 5 folios donated by Charles Hoff in 1986, formerly Spec.Rare.CMS.113, VIII-85, 1986, 849. 001-005
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Provenance: 1 folio donated by an anonymous donor
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Fol. 89.1: Gospel readings from Luke 1:28-37
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Fol. 89.2: Gospel readings from Luke 1:37-38 and Matthew 2:1-8
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Fol. 89.3: Gospel readings from John 19:3-34
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Fol. 89.4 Gospel readings from John 19:34-35 with prayer beginning "Deus qu manus tuas et pedes tuos et totus corpus tuum"
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Fol. 89.5: Commemorations for St. Peter and St. James
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Fol. 89.6: Commemorations for Sts. James, Andrew, and Christopher
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Fol. 89.7: Commemorations for Sts. Christopher, Stephen, and Sebastian
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Fol. 89.8: Commemorations for Sts. Martin of Tours, Eustachius, and Eutropius
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Fol. 89.9: Commemorations for Sts. Francis and Clare
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Fol. 89.10: Commemoration for Sts. Fiacre of Breuil and Augustine
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Fol. 89.11: Commemorations for Sts. Michael and Barbara
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Fol. 89.12: Commemorations for virgin martyrs and St. Katherine of Alexandria
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Fol. 89.13: Commemorations for Sts. Appollonia and Mary Magdalene
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Fol. 89.14: Commemorations for Mary Magdalene, with the prayer Salve Regina
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Fol. 89.15: Commemoration of saints, with particular reference to the Virgin and to Sts. Peter and Paul
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Fol. 89.16: Commemoration of the Apostles and all saints
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Fol. 89.17: third Nocturn of Matins in the Office of the Virgin
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Fol. 89.18: third Nocturn of Matins and the beginning of Lauds in the Office of the Virgin
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Fol. 89.19: Lauds in the Office of the Virgin
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Fol. 89.20: Prime in the Office of the Virgin
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Fol. 89.21: Vespers in the Office of the Virgin
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Fol. 89.22: Verspers in the Office of the Virgin, with liturgical instructions encompassing Advent and the Octave of Christmas
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Fol. 89.23: Verspers and the beginning of Compline in the Office of the Virgin, with liturgical instructions for ritual practice from the Octave of Christmas to the Feast of the Purification
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Fol. 89.24: Litany
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Fol. 89.25: lessons 2 and 3 in the first Nocturn of Matins in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 89.26: lessons 4 and 5 in the second Nocturn of Matins in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 89.27: lessons 5 and 6 in the second Nocturn of Matins in the Office of th e Dead
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Fol. 89.28: third Nocturn of Matins in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 89.29: Lesson 8 in the third Nocturn of Matins in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 89.30: Lesson 9, with responses and verses, in the third Nocturn of Matins in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 89.31: end of third Nocturn in Matins and beginning of Lauds in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 89.32: Lauds and the Canticle of Hezekiah in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 89.33: end of the Canticle of Hezekiah and beginning of the Canticle of Zachary in Lauds of the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 89.34: Obsecro te
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Fol. 89.35: Obsecro te
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Fol. 89.36: Obsecro te
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Fol. 89.37: End of the Obsecro te with the beginning of the Seven Prayers of St. Gregory on the Passion
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Fol. 89.38: Miserere mei, with the beginning of the Verses of St. Bernard
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Fol. 89.39: Portion of Psalm 141, with prayer beginnign "O bone Jesu, o piisime Jesu"
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Fol. 89.40: prayers to St. Chritopher and the Virgin Mary
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Fol. 89.41: end of prayer to the Virgin Mary
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Incipit: Fol. 89.1: dixit . Ave gracia plena
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Fol. 89.2: …sible apud deum omne
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Fol. 89.3: Ave rex iudeorum
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Fol. 89.4: et aqua . Et qui ista vidit
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Fol. 89.5: …mine Vs Annunciaverunt
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Fol. 89.6: …tum Iacobum in ordine
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Fol. 89.7: …mur provissionibus
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Fol. 89.8: ut intercessio beati mar / tini
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Fol. 89.9: evocasti eius quesumus meritis
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Fol. 89.10: ...dium tenebras illuminari ut
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Fol. 89.11: Adesto supplicacionibus
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Fol. 89.12: exilio nobis concedit
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Fol. 89.13: ad montem qui Christus est
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Fol. 89.14: Largire nobis clementis / sime
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Fol. 89.15: tenebris et in umbra mortis
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Fol. 89.16: apostolorum patrocinio
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Fol. 89.17: Notum fecit dominus
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Fol. 89.18: a domino per angelum
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Fol. 89.19: O admirabile commercium
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Fol. 89.20: omnes populi / Quoniam confirmata
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Fol. 89.21: a presenti liberary tristicia et
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Fol. 89.22: Nota quod a sabbato ante
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Fol. 89.23: finis . Deo gratias . Benedicta tu
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Fol. 89.24: ...ore nostro . R . Dominus
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Fol. 89.25: opus manuum tuarum et
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Fol. 89.26: atque delicta ostende michi
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Fol. 89.27: ...los tuos et adducer eum tecum
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Fol. 89.28: Quoniam circumdederunt me
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Fol. 89.29: modo labia arca dentes meos
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Fol. 89.30: Quare de vulva eduxi / sti
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Fol. 89.31: parebunt . R . Quando
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Fol. 89.32: et convolute est a me quasi
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Fol. 89.33: Quia non infernus con / fitebitur
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Fol. 89.34: fuit . Et per illud divinum
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Fol. 89.35: ...poni clamantem audisti et
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Fol. 89.36: ...te omni gaudio et alacrita / te
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Fol. 89.37: ...minibus me libere et defen / dat
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Fol. 89.38: tuam / Miserere mei Deus quoniam
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Fol. 89.39: Periit fuga a me et non est
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Fol. 89.40: ...tre Christoforus sic
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Fol. 89.41: universosque
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Explicit: Fol. 89.1: sterilis . Qui non erit impos…
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Fol. 89.2: mittens eos in bethleem dix…
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Fol. 89.3: Et continuo exuunt sanguis
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Fol. 89.4: omnia secula / seculorum amen
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Fol. 89.5: unigenitus / secus mare galilee be…
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Fol. 89.6: beat Christofore R Ut digni efficia...
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Fol. 89.7: nobis ad dominum Ihesum Christum
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Fol. 89.8: Ora pro nobis beate Eutropi...
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Fol. 89.9: intercessionibus nostrorum cor
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Fol. 89.10: Augustine R Ut digni efficiamur
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Fol. 89.11: remissio et finite huius pre
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Fol. 89.12: ut eius meritis et intercessione
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Fol. 89.13: dilexit multum Oremus Oro
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Fol. 89.14: o dulcis maria . amen
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Fol. 89.15: tuo / rum Petri et Pauli et alios
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Fol. 89.16: Incipiunt hore de cruce
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Fol. 89.17: Et ne nos R Sed libera nos
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Fol. 89.18: O gloriosa / domina V Benedicta tu in
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Fol. 89.19: Ad Magnificat . Et ad nunc dimittis
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Fol. 89.20: pro / sidiis quorum donasti fi...
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Fol. 89.21: Omnipotens sempiternem
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Fol. 89.22: beate marie / virgine utero verbum
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Fol. 89.23: per horas et ad vesperas dicuntur antiphone sequentes . Anti
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Fol. 89.24: tribuas benignus et / pacem
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Fol. 89.25: ...sibus et nervis compegisti
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Fol. 89.26: super huiusmodi aperire ocu...
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Fol. 89.27: desteram . Tu quidem gressus
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Fol. 89.28: Adiuor meus et protector
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Fol. 89.29: a delicto meo munda / me R Ideo lectio nona
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Fol. 89.30: ar / changeli impii autem verbi
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Fol. 89.31: ad te omnis caro veniet
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Fol. 89.32: omnia peccata mea
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Fol. 89.33: nos R Sed libera . Psalmus
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Fol. 89.34: vulneratum sitientem vel ap...
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Fol. 89.35: salvacionem pace et prosperita
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Fol. 89.36: Et a septem peccatis cri...
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Fol. 89.37: O domine ihesum christe propter illa amari
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Fol. 89.38: lau / dis et nomen domini invocabo
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Fol. 89.39: recogno / sce quod tuum est et abster...
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Fol. 89.40: felicissima cunctas
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Fol. 89.41: Impr / udentes ... compo / sita
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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