

Carta executoria a pedimiento de Alonso Mendez de Parada
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Castilian, Spanish; Latin
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Extent: 52; 335 x 240 mm bound to 340 x 240 mm; parchment
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Notarial signature (fol. 1r)
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Binding: Limp vellum wrapper; two loops of twisted leather on front cover for closure
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Layout: One column of 40-42 lines; frame-ruled in faint red ink; written area: 223 x 144 mm
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Script: Textualis--rotunda (Spanish)
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Decoration: Highly illuminated first opening with a large historiated initial of the Coronation of the Virgin and a simple coat of arms supported by two dragons (fol. 1v) and large miniatures of the Annunciation and portraits of John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist with his poisoned cup (fol. 2), all with full foliate borders of acanthus leaves and flowers; a smaller miniature of...
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Provenance: Originally owned by Alonso Mendez de Parada; acquired by Free Library of Philadelphia in 1970
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Contributor: Diane Biunno
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Cataloger: Amey Hutchins
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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4 December 2023
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4 December 2023
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