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Extent: 305 x 452 mm; parchment
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These leaves are from a set of 20 leaves that were cut from a single manuscript that once comprised a complete Bible.
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Initial R
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The initial R on the page shown here begins Proverbs 15, 'Responsio mollis frangit iram sermo durus suscitat furorum ...' (A mild answer breaketh wrath but a harsh word stirs up fury).
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Initial I
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The initial I on the page shown here begins the Prologue to the Book of Jeremiah.
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This page shows the reverse of a leaf with a decorated initial from a Bible. This side of the leaf is the true recto and contains the end of the Book of Isaias.
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Initial M
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The initial M on the page shown here begins Proverbs 17:1, 'Melior est buccella sicca cum gaudio ...' (Better is a dry morsel with joy).
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Initial Q
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The initial Q on the page shown here marks Canticles 5:17, 'Quo abiit dilectus tuus o pulcherrima mulierum quo declinavit dilectus tuus et quae remus eum tecum ...' (Where is your beloved gone, O most beautiful of women Where is your beloved turned aside, and we will seek him with you). Chapter 6 begins immediately after.
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Initial O
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The initial O on the page shown here begins the Book of Wisdom 4, 'O quam pulchra est casta generatione cum claritate inmortalis est enim memoria ...' (O how beautiful is chaste generation with glory, for the memory thereof is immortal).
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Initial T
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The initial T on the page shown here begins the Book of Wisdom 5, 'Tunc stanbunt iusti in magna constantia adversus eos qui se angustaverunt ...' (Then shall the just stand in great constancy against those who have afflicted them).
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Initial S
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The initial S on the page shown here begins the Book of Wisdom 18, 'Sanctis autem tuis maxim a erat lux et horum quidem vocem audiebant sed figuram non uidebant ...' (But your saints had a great light and indeed heard their voice, but did not see their shape).
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Initial D
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The initial D on the page shown here begins Ecclesiasticus 17, 'Deus creavit hominem de terra et secundum ymaginem suam fecit illum ...' (God created man from the earth and made him from his own image).
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Initial F
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The initial F on the page shown here begins Ecclesiasticus 21, 'Fili peccasti et non adicias iterum sed et de pristimus depre care ut tibi remittantur ...' (My son, have you sinned Do so no more, but for your former sins, pray also that they may be forgiven you).
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Initial N
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The initial N on the page shown here begins Ecclesiasticus 42, 'Non duplices sermonem auditus de revelatione sermonis absconditi ...' (Repeat not the word which you have heard, and disclose not the thing which is secret).
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Initial C
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The initial C on the page shown here begins Ecclesiasticus 51, 'Confitebur tibi domine rex et collaudabo te deum salvatorem meum ...' (I will give glory to you, O Lord, O King, and I will praise you, O God my Savior).
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Initial L
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The initial L on the page shown here begins Isaias 54, 'Lauda sterilis quae non paris decanta laudem et hinni ...' (Give praise, you barren who bear not; sing forth praise and make a joyful noise).
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This page shows the reverse of a leaf with a decorated initial from a Bible. This side of the leaf is the true recto and contains verses of Canticles 5.
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This page shows the reverse of a leaf with a decorated initial from a Bible. This side of the leaf is the true recto and contains verses of the Book of Wisdom 5.
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This page shows the reverse of a leaf with a decorated initial from a Bible. This side of the leaf is the true recto and contains verses of the Book of Wisdom 4.
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This page shows the reverse of a leaf with a decorated initial from a Bible. This side of the leaf is the true recto and contains verses of the Book of Wisdom 17.
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This page shows the reverse of a leaf with a decorated initial from a Bible. This side of the leaf is the true recto and contains Ecclesiasticus 16.
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This page shows the reverse of a leaf with a decorated initial from a Bible. This side of the leaf is the true recto and contains Ecclesiasticus 20.
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This page shows the reverse of a leaf with a decorated initial from a Bible. This side of the leaf is the true verso and continues the text of Ecclesiasticus 42.
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This page shows the reverse of a leaf with a decorated initial from a Bible. This side of the leaf is the true verso and continues the text of Ecclesiasticus 51.
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This page shows the reverse of a leaf with a decorated initial from a Bible. This side of the leaf is the true recto and contains Isaias 53.
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Initial V with the martyrdom of Jeremiah
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The initial V on the page shown here begins the Book of Jeremiah, 'Verba ieremie filii helchie sacerdotis de sacerdotibus qui fuerunt in anathot in terra beniamyn ...' (The words of Jeremias, son of Helcias, priest of the priests that were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin).
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Initial P
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The initial P on the page shown here begins Jeremiah 17, 'Peccatum iuda scriptum est stilo ferreo in ungue adamantine ...' (The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron with the point of a diamond).
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Initial V
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The initial V on the page shown here begins Jeremiah 18, 'Verbum quod factum est ad ieremiam a domino dicens surge et descende in domum figuli ...' (The word that came from Jeremiah to the Lord, saying, Arise and go down to the potter's house).
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Initial I
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The initial I on the page shown here begins Jeremiah 26, 'In princpio regum ioachim filii josie regis iuda factum est verbum istud a domino dicens ...' (In the beginning of the reign of Joachim son of Josiah king of Judah came this word from the Lord, saying ...').
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Initial E
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The initial E on the page shown here marks Jeremiah 38:28, 'Et factum est ut caperetur' (And it came to pass that [Jerusalem] was taken).
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Initial A
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The initial A on the page shown here begins Jeremiah 49, 'Ad filios ammon haec dicet dominus' (Against the children of Ammon, so says the Lord).
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Script: Gothic bookhand
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Contributor: David Kalish
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Cataloger: Dot Porter
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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5 December 2023
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5 December 2023
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