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Extent: 299 x 428 mm; parchment
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Initial F with St. Thomas Aquinas teaching a group of Dominicans
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This initial begins the first antiphon of first Vespers for the feast of the Dominican theologian St. Thomas Aquinas (Mar. 7), 'Felix thomas doctor ecclesie lumen mundi splendor ytalie...' (Happy is Thomas, Doctor of the Church, light of the world, splendor of Italy). Thomas Aquinas is considered one of the greatests theologians in the Church's history. He is most well-known for his work Summa...
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This image shows the reverse of a leaf with an historiated initial from an antiphonary. This side of the leaf, the true verso, continues the liturgy for the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas.
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This leaf can be dated to ca. 1325.
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Script: Gothic bookhand
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Contributor: David Kalish
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Cataloger: Dot Porter
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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5 December 2023
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5 December 2023
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