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Extent: 395 x 580 mm; parchment
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Initial R with the Resurrection
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This initial begins the Introit for Easter Sunday, 'Resurrexi et adhuc tecum sum ...' (I have risen and am still with thee).
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Reverse: This image shows the reverse of a leaf with an historiated initial from a gradual. This side of the leaf, the true verso, continues the liturgy for Easter Sunday, which begins on the front.
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Initial E with the Annunciation
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This initial begins the Introit for the feast of the Holy Innocents (Dec. 28), 'Ex ore infantium deus et lactentium perfecisti laudem ...' (From the mouths of children and infants at the breast, O God, you have brought praise).
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This image shows the reverse of a leaf with an historiated initial from a gradual. This side of the leaf, the true recto, contains the Communion for the feast of St. John the Evangelist (Dec. 27).
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Initial D
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This initial begins the Introit for the Second Sunday after Epiphany, 'Omnis terra adoret te deus et psallat tibi...' (Let the whole earth worship thee, sing of thee).
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This image shows the reverse of a leaf with an historiated initial from a gradual. This side of the leaf, the true verso, continues the liturgy for the Second Sunday after Epiphany, which begins on the front.
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Initial E
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This initial begins the Introit for Quinquagesima Sunday, 'Esto michi in deum protectorem ...' (Be thou my divine protector).
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This image shows the reverse of a leaf with an historiated initial from a gradual. This side of the leaf, the true verso, continues the liturgy for the Quinquagesima Sunday, which begins on the front.
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Lewis E M 71:10-13 are from the same manuscript.
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Script: Rotunda
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Contributor: David Kalish
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Cataloger: Dot Porter
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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5 December 2023
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5 December 2023
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