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Extent: 400 x 571 mm; parchment
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Initial E with the Last Supper
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Initial shows significant repainting.
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This initial begins the Introit for Mass for the feast of Corpus Christi, 'Ego sum panis ' (I am the bread). Ego sum panis is exceptional in its use for communion: the vast majority of liturgical manuscripts from the Middle Ages use the alternative wording of Cibavit eos ex adipe frumenti, alleluia, (Full ears of wheat are the nourishment he gives them).
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Initial shows significant repainting.
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This image shows the reverse of a leaf with an historiated initial from a gradual. This side of the leaf, the true recto, contains the Gradual recited during Mass for the first Sunday after Pentecost.
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Script: Rotunda
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Contributor: David Kalish
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Cataloger: Dot Porter
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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5 December 2023
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5 December 2023
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