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He was one of the two artists of the Jeanson Hours, Use of Sarum, perhaps made for Sir John Talbot, first earl of Shrewsbury (Sotheby’s, 5 July 2005, lot 97).
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Draycot House (eighteenthcentury inscription on front pastedown), presumably the former country house near Chippenham, Wiltshire, built in 1784 for Sir James Tylney-Long (1736-1794), seventh baronet; C. L. Ricketts, bought from Maggs, December 1922; acquired by the Lilly Library with the Ricketts Collection in 1961.
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s. XV(2/4); 1425-1450
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Binding: Bound in eighteenth-century English calf, red edges, defective and broken; in a fawn cloth case.
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Figurative details, ff. 1-170v: 24 Calendar miniatures of the occupations of the months and the signs of the zodiac; 11 large or full-page miniatures, showing the Nativity (fol. 40r, misbound, Prime of the Virgin, three-quarter-page), the Scourging of Christ (fol. 52v, Terce of the Cross, full-page, with border), the Magi (fol. 54v, Sext of the Virgin, three-quarter-page), Christ carrying the...
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Other decoration, ff. 1-170v: Rubrics in red, Calendar in alternating lines of red and blue with major entries in gold; 1 and 2-line initials throughout and illuminated borders surrounding every page.
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Script, ff. 1-170v: Liturgical textualis.
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Layout, ff. 1-170v: Collation: 4 medieval blanks (included in foliation) + i#^8#, ii#^4#, ii#^i6#, iv#^7# [of 8, lacking i, before fol. 23], v#^7+1# [of 8+1, lacking iii, before fol. 32, with opening of Lauds, last leaf (fol. 37) is added, with its own catchword], i#^8+2# [of 8, now including a bifolium (fols. 40–41) misbound from the following quire], vii#^2# [of 8, iii–iv now misbound in the...
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Manuscript note: Almost precisely the same second-campaign upgrading of the Hours of the Virgin to the English format occurs in the Jeanson Hours by the same artist. It was clearly a problem in this particular workshop.
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Bibliography: De Ricci 1935, p. 635; Herlihy 1991, plate on front cover.
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ff. 1-170v: Gregory Clark kindly reports that the artist or his workshop also contributed to two other Books of Hours illuminated in Rouen, the Oldhall Hours (London, BL, Harley MS 2900) and Cambridge, St. John’s College, MS 240, both made for the English market.
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ff. 1-170v: Latin.
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ff. 5r-169r: The text comprises: a Calendar, of Sarum use (fol. 5r); the Gospel Sequences (fol. 17r); the Hours of the Virgin, Use of Sarum (fol. 23r), incorporating the Hours of the Cross. To bring it into conformity with the English practice, then, additional bifolia were subsequently inserted into quires viii–xi, each with the required miniature for the Hours of the Cross, together with...
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28 June 2023
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28 June 2023
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