

Office de la Virège Marie
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Escrit Par N. JARRY, M. DC. LI
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Office of the Virgin Mary
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Illuminated for Marie d’Avaugour, duchesse de Montbazon (1610-1657), daughter of Claude d’Avaugour, comte de Vertus, and wife of Hercule de Rohan, duc de Montbazon (1568-1654), governor of Paris, with their arms on the title and elsewhere.
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Frédéric Masson (1847–1923), of Paris; C. L. Ricketts, bought in Paris in 1927 from E. Nourry; acquired by the Lilly Library with the Ricketts Collection in 1961.
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Binding: Bound in early nineteenth-century English orange brocade, morocco doublures elaborately gilt, watered silk endleaves within morocco borders gilt, silver clasps and catches, bound by Charles Smith (signed at top of flyleaf ); in a fawn cloth case.
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Figurative details, ff. 1-54: Six illuminated incipit pages with 3-line floral illuminated initials and floral and armorial headpieces; elaborate title-page within a rococo cartouche with double arms beneath a coronet and with swags and suspended bunches of flowers; full-page miniature on fol. 2v, showing the Virgin and Child on a crescent moon; perfect condition.
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Other decoration, ff. 1-54: Headings in colors and gold; initials throughout in red, blue and gold.
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Layout, ff. 1-54: Paginated by Jarry (1–80) from fol. 15r as page 1; 15 lines (including headings at the top of pages), pages written within a narrow gold border 83 mm. by 47 mm., written in brown ink.
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Bibliography: Portalis 1896, pp. 352, 476 and p. 572, no. 53; De Ricci 1935, p. 641.
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ff. 1-54: According to Portalis, the miniature of the Virgin on fol. 2v here resembles the patroness, the duchesse de Montbazon, a celebrated beauty.
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ff. 1-54: Latin.
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ff. 1-54: The book comprises: a title, signed by Jarry (fol. 1r); a frontispiece (fol. 2r); Office de la Vierge a Matinesfol. 3r, the Hours of the Virgin, in Latin, to Compline); Prieres pour le Matin”fol. 15r, p. 1 in Jarry’s pagination, in French); Litanies du S. Nom de Iesus(fol. 19r, p. 9 in Jarry’s pagination, in Latin); Prieres pour le Soirfol. 25r, p. 21 in Jarry’s pagination, in...
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Incipit, ff. 1-54: Ainsi soit-il.
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ff. 1-54: Baron Roger Portalis, ‘Nicolas Jarry et la calligraphie au XVIIe siècle’, 1896.
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28 June 2023
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28 June 2023
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