

Book of Hours, use of Paris
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Book of hours
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Books of hours--France--15th century
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Manuscripts (documents)--France--15th century
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Books of hours--Texts--Early works to 1800
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middle of the 15th century
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Extent: 189 leaves : parchment ; 165 x 115 (86 x 56) mm
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Parchment, ff. i (modern paper) +ii (parchment) + 189 + ii (parchment) + i (modern paper). 1¹² 2⁸ 3⁶(+ a leaf in the second half) 4-10⁸ 11⁶(through f. 89) 12-22⁸ 23⁴ 24⁸. 15 long lines, ruled in pale red ink; pricking visible in the lower margin. Catchwords, usually cropped, but sometimes appearing in the inner lower corner of the last verso, usually written in a bâtarde hand, and once in a...
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Written in France in the middle of the fifteenth century. Written in a gothic book hand in 2 sizes.
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Twelve large illuminations in arched compartments with serrated tops, above 4 lines of script; the outer borders contain black ivy sprays with gold foliage, thin blue and gold acanthus leaves placed at the corners, various flowers and strawberries. The miniatures are: f. 28 (Hours of the Virgin), Annunciation; f. 40v (Lauds), Visitation; f. 53 (Prime), Nativity; f. 60 (Terce), Annunciation to...
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An engraved book plate on f. i verso with the monogram "RN"[?]. Belonged to Robert Hoe; his sale, Anderson, New York, 1912, pt. III, n. 2070 to G.D. Smith. Precise source and date of acquisition by Henry E. Huntington unknown.
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22 July 2024
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22 July 2024
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