

Works by Ephraem and othe church fathers
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Miniatures (Painting)--France--15th century
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Coats of arms--France--15th century
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Illuminations (paintings)--France--15th century
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Figure initials--France--15th century
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between 1485 and 1499
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Extent: ff. 168 : parchment ; 138 x 210 mm
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Title supplied by cataloger.
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Support: Parchment.
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Script: Bâtarde.
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Layout: 1-78 88(-6, after f. 61) 9-208 2110(-a leaf in the second half). Catchwords written horizontally; quires and leaves signed with letters of the alphabet and roman numerals. 25 long lines, ruled in pale red ink with single bounding lines; pricking visible in the outer margin.
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Decoration: Three miniatures (and probably one missing before f. 62): f. 1, 13-line, Ephraem addressing a group of monks; f. 104v, 12-line, the meeting of Joachim and Anne at the Golden Gate; f. 107v, 12-line, Augustine praying before an altar, seen through painted gold columns and a low arch. The style of the miniatures derived from the tradition of Fouquet. On these 3 folios, 5- or 4-line...
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Other Decoration: On ff. 27v, 35v, 41v, 48 and 53, the divisions of the De compunctione cordis, similarly fashioned initials of varying sizes. Secondary initials, 2-line, painted gold on blue or maroon grounds with gold patterning, both abstract and with dogs' heads.
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Assigned Date: s. XVex.
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Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 7/31/2012.
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Written at the end of the fifteenth century, probably for Georges I d'Amboise whose coat of arms, barry of 6 or and gules, surmounted by a bishop's crozier, appears on ff. 1, 104v, and 107v. D'Amboise held various bishoprics, beginning with that of Narbonne in 1482; he became bishop of Rouen in 1493 and was elevated to the cardinalate in 1498; he died in 1510. This manuscript not identified in...
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22 July 2024
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22 July 2024
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