

Gregory IX's Decretals and other related works
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Miniatures (Painting)--France--13th century
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Marginalia (annotations)--England--14th century
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Historiated initials--France--13th century
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Illuminations (paintings)--France--13th century
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Marginalia (annotations)--France--13th century
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Canon law--Early works to 1800
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between 1285 and 1299].
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Extent: ff. 274 : parchment ; 270 x 448-453 mm
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Title supplied by cataloger.
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Manuscript contains Gregory IX's Decretals with a gloss, Gregory X's Constituions and a gloss, Nicholas III's Cupientes and a gloss, as well as works by Alexander IV and Nicholas IV. Written during the last years of the thirteenth century possibly in Avignon or Montpellier, or by a southern scribe working in Paris and painted in Paris by Maître Honoré. Manuscript also includes on f. 121v, a...
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Span folios: ff. 1-274v. Support: Parchment. Layout: 1-410 512 6-1110 1212(-10, 11, 12, through f. 121) 136 14-1510 1612 17-2410 2512 2610 2712(+13, f. 274). Catchwords to following text (not to the gloss) in inside corner, enclosed in light brown ink frames washed in yellow. Leaf signatures in letters, variously with a single stroke or an "x" above, below or alongside the letter; through...
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Decoration: Five miniatures by Maître Honoré, approximately 65 x 60 mm in blue and maroon frames, edged in gold, with gold oak leaves along the outer sides, and with half or 3/4 border extensions of colored trilobe leaves (See G. Warner in the Dyson Perrins catalogue, quoting Sir Sydney Cockerell, and Eric G. Millar, An Illuminated Manuscript of La Somme le Roy attributed to the Parisian...
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Other Decoration: On f. 1r-v, 3 historiated initials, 7- to 4-line, of a seated doctor instructing students, of a seated king, and of the Trinity, with Father and Son side by side as the Dove descends between them. Other books of the Decretals begin with 6- or 5-line initials, in white-patterned pink on blue grounds, or vice versa, infilled with colored trilobe leaves; 3-line initials in...
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Decoration on f. 121v: miniature, 113 x 78 mm., added during the first half of the fourteenth century by an English artist, showing the Virgin and Child under a gothic arch, and to their left, under another arch, Agnes standing, holding book and sword, with her lamb at her feet; below the miniature (instructions to the artist?), "Sanctissima Agnes virgo et martir gloriosa ad cuius dextrum stat...
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"Corr. in textu" in the lower margin of the last leaf verso of each quire. Considerable marginalia in contemporary French hands, and in contemporary and later English hands (on f. 92v, a note dated 1470); running headlines giving the subject in the upper right corner of each leaf recto in an English hand. Modern fore edge tabs. First leaf defective along the inner margin, with some loss of...
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Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 8/19/2012.
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A terminus post quem for the copying of HM 19999 is the date of composition of the gloss on the Decretals, i.e. 1282, as noticed in the explicit on f. 262. Contemporary notes of an early owner in a French hand, but soon acquired by an Englishman, as shown by the numerous notes in early fourteenth century anglicana, and by the miniature added by an English artist on f. 121v. In the spandrels of...
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22 July 2024
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22 July 2024
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