

Sermons on the Psalms
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Extent: fols. 1; membrane; 209 x 157 (156 x 88)
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Layout: 1 column, 33 lines
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Prickings in exterior margin
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Ruled horizontals extend all the way to the edges at center of each page
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Ruled in plummet
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Provenance: Formerly the property of Otto Ege, Cleveland, OH. Ege broke this manuscript and distributed 40 of its folios as part of his portfolio set, Fifty Original Leaves. See Scott Gwara, Otto Ege’s Manuscripts, HL 4
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Provenance: Erik von Scherling, Rotulus catalogue, Vol. IV (Winter 1937), item 1838
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Prior to Otto Ege’s breaking of the manuscript, the codex included 210 folios
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Incipit: Inheritabunt et abscondent ipsi cal . m . ob diabolus maxime insidiatur circa
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Explicit: vivens vivens ipse confitebitur haec denunciat ante faciem
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Sermon 507 (Inhabitabunt et abscondent ipsi calcaneum suum; Ps. 55:7; Schneyer 4:855) and Sermon 508 (Deus vitam meam annuntiavi tibi; Ps. 55:9; Schneyer 4:855)
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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