

Bible (portfolio)
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Extent: fols. 2; membrane; 276 x 199 (197 x 110)
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Layout: 2 columns, 58 lines
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Decoration: Frag.6.150: Running titles in alternating red and blue letters
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Decoration: chapter numbers in alternating red and blue Roman numerals in the margins
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Decoration: Frag.6.212: 2 8-line initials in burnished gold, the first on red-colored grounds with white penwork and intricate infill, the second with blue, brown, red, and white foliate infill. Rubricated with running titles and marginal chapter numbers alternating in red and blue characters.
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Decoration: The opening words of the first prologue and the first chapter of Malachi written in red and white ink on yellow-brown cartouches
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Ruled in plummet
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Guide letters for marginal chapter numbers in plummet
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Fol. 6.150: foliated “150” in pencil in upper right corner of recto
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Fol. 6.212: foliated “212” in pencil in upper right corner of recto
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Pricking on interior margins
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Fol. 6.212: Medieval annotations in upper and lower margins in different inks and hands suggesting that the book may have been used to pass short messages(?) including notes such as “I can” and “How much?”
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Fol. 6.212: Middle English (or Irish?) word “Seyr” in margin
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Foliation indicates irregular order for the placement of books in this Bible manuscript, with II Maccabees preceding Zechariah. This does not follow the typical Paris ordering of the biblical books that was common by this point
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Provenance: Formerly the property of Otto Ege, Cleveland, OH. Ege broke this manuscript and distributed 40 of its folios as part of his portfolio set, Fifty Original Leaves. See Scott Gwara, Otto Ege’s Manuscripts, HL 6 (Frag.6.150 was the folio originally included in OSU’s copy of Ege’s FOL)
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Provenance: Original codex sold at Sotheby’s, 20 December 1948, lot 421
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Provenance: Previously owned by Thomas Lever, Master of St. John’s College, Cambridge (d. 1577)
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Fol. 6.150: II Maccabees 4:32-7:2
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Frag.6.212: Zechariah 10:3-14:21
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three prologues to Malachi (Stegmüller 543, 545, and one unrecorded)
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and Malachi 1:1-1:5
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Incipit: Fol. 6.150: tempus opportunum aurea quedam vasae
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Fol. 6.212: equum glorie sue in bello . Ex ipso angelus ex ipso arcus prelii
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Explicit: Fol. 6.150: ex illis qui era primus sic ait Quid queris?
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Fol. 6.212: in eternum et oculi videbunt et vos dicetis magnificetur dominus
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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