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Extent: fols. 2; membrane; 179 x 117 (140 x 80)
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Layout: 2 columns, 32 lines
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Decoration: 1 8-line initial “I” in blue with flourishing in red penwork on the recto of Frag.23.2, with multiple 2-4 line initials in alternating blue and burnished gold, the blue with contrasting penwork in red and the gold with penwork in blue
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Decoration: alternating blue and gold or blue and red designs extending the length of the left margins of each column, with penwork extending into the upper and lower margins
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Ruled in brown ink
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Fol. 23.1: Liturgical note “Per octavas epiphanie” added in a later hand in the upper margin of the recto, and “Per octavas” added in the upper margin of the verso
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Fol. 23.2: long 3-line textual/scribal error struck-through in brown ink
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Provenance: Formerly the property of Otto Ege, Cleveland, OH. Ege broke this manuscript and distributed 40 of its folios as part of his portfolio set, Fifty Original Leaves. See Scott Gwara, Otto Ege’s Manuscripts, HL 23 (Fol. 23.2 is the folio originally included as part of Ege’s FOL)
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Provenance: Ege obtained this manuscript in Paris in 1928
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Provenance: Fol. 23.1: gift of OSU Professor of English, Lisa Kiser (July 2014)
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Fol. 23.1: Antiphons, readings, and prayers for Prime on the Octave of Epiphany, followed by liturgical instructions for the opening of the office of Lauds
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Fol. 23.2: Readings 5-8 (taken from the Book of Judith) and 1-6 (taken from the Book of Hester) for Sundays in the month of September
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Incipit: Fol. 23.1: quando non est / dominica / Venient ad te qui de / trahebant
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Fol. 23.2: que cogitationem suam in eo esse ut omnem terram suo subiugaret impi…
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Explicit: Fol. 23.1: venient / ad te qui ipsa die contigerit oratio
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Fol. 23.2: et Iechar et Arimeta et Tharsis et Mares et Marsana et Mamucha
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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