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France (or possibly Bruges)
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Extent: fols. 20; membrane; 106 x 81 (62 x 47)
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Layout: 1 column, 14 lines
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Decoration: Numerous 2-line initials in burnished gold on blue and burgundy grounds highlighted with white penwork, 1-line initials in alternating burnished gold and blue with contrasting penwork in blue and red, respectively, and with other capitals stroked in red, with prompts and rubrics in red
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Ruled in faint brown ink
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Modern pencil foliation at top right corner of each folio's recto
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Some remains of previous binding sewing on occasional folios
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Provenance: Donated by Charles Hoff in 1986, formerly Spec.Rare.CMS.113, I-1, 1986.852.001-020
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Fol. 78.15: Matins in the Hours of the Virgin
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Fol. 78.21: Matins in the Hours of the Virgin
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Fol. 78.38: Suffrages for saints Nicholas, Mary Magdalene, and Katherine of Alexandria
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Fol. 78.39: Sufrages for saints Katherine of Alexandria, Margaret of Antioch, and All Saints
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Fol. 78.40: Prayers for the "De Tempore" and the Commemoration of the Holy Cross
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Fol. 78.42: Prime in the Hours of the Virgin
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Fol. 78.43 Prime in the Hours of the Virgin
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Fol. 78.44
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Prime in the Hours of the Virgin
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Fol. 78.45 Prime in the Hours of the Virgin and the beginning of the Capitulum with Ecclesiasticus 24:11 (typically associated with Matins)
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Fol. 78.70: Seven Penitential Psalms
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Fol. 78.82: End of the Gradual Psalms and beginning of the Litany
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Fol. 78.90: Conclusion of the Litany, with longer prayers beginning "Ineffabilem misericordiam tuam quaesumus", "Fidelium deus omnium conditor", and "Pietate tua quesumus domine"
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Fol. 78.95: Opening of the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 78.96 Opening of the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 78.97: First Nocturn in Matins of the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 78.103 First Nocturn of Matins in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 78.104: Second Nocturn of Matins in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 78.105: Second Nocturn of Matins in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 78.106: Second Nocturn of Matins in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 78.142: Requiemm prayers and hymns for the dead
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Incipit: Fol. 78.15: fundaverunt manus eius veni / te
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Fol. 78.21: …na dominus tecum . Genuisti iube do / mine
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Fol. 78.38: …missione Christi . Oremus
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Fol. 78.39: virginis et martyris tue Kathe / rine
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Fol. 78.40: …piterna concede . De tempore
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Fol. 78.42: misericordie tu
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Fol. 78.43: omnes gentes laudate eum
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Fol. 78.44: ...derunt me et in nomine domini
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Fol. 78.45: ...le in oculis nostris Hec est di / es
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Fol. 78.70: ...bulatione que circumdedit me
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Fol. 78.82: usque in seculum Gloria patri
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Fol. 78.90: ...te tota virtute diligent et que / tibi placit sunt
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Fol. 78.95: domini Quoniam excelsus do / minus et humilia
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Fol. 78.96: cuius deus iacob adiutor eius / spes
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Fol. 78.97: Inclina domine aurem tuam oro
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Fol. 78.103: feceris me et in pulverem
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Fol. 78.104: tuus ipsa me consolata sunt
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Fol. 78.105: Delicta iuventutis mee
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Fol. 78.106: cordis mei muliplicate sunt
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Fol. 78.142: Vivet anima mea et laudabit
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Explicit: Fol. 78.15: ge / stant puelle viscera . Beata
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Fol. 78.21: et seraphim in / cessabili voce proclamant . Sanc…
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Fol. 78.38: Omnipotens sempiterne / deus qui corpus gloriose
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Fol. 78.39: nobis / delutorum tribue et remedia se…
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Fol. 78.40: Domine ihesu christe filii di...
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Fol. 78.42: Laudate dominum ps
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Fol. 78.43: eos . Curcumdantes circunde...
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Fol. 78.44: A domino / factum est istud et est mirabi...
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Fol. 78.45: et in hereditate domi / ni morabor . tunc precepit et dixit
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Fol. 78.70: et sicut honus / grave gravate sunt super me
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Fol. 78.82: Sancte Gabriel . or
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Fol. 78.90: sanguinita / te ac familiaritate vel con...
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Fol. 78.95: omnes co / gitationes eorum . Beatus
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Fol. 78.96: absolutis / transire mereatur ad vitam
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Fol. 78.97: abho / minabitur dominus ego autem
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Fol. 78.103: tu me / cum es Virga tua et baculus
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Fol. 78.104: et miseri / cordiarum tuarum que a seculo sunt
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Fol. 78.105: quia unicus et pau / per sum ego . Tribulationes
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Fol. 78.106: Se / exurgat adversum me prelium
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Fol. 78.142: si descendero / in infernum ad es . Si super
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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