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Extent: fols. 4; membrane; 161 x 126 (100 x 68)
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Layout: 1 column, 18 lines
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Decoration: 1 2-line initial in burnished gold on blue and pink gounds with white penwork highlights, rubrics in red, and brown ink vinework extending into lower margin from final line of text, with red touches for buds on leaves on fol. 117v
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Ruled in brown and/or pink ink
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Later foliation in pencil at lower left corner of each recto
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Vertical catchwords written along the internal vertical ruled line at the bottom right corner of the verso of fols. 81.152 and 81.182
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Fol. 81.156 blank on verso but with offset of an illuminate miniature from the facing folio
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Remnants of red binding thread at top gutter of fol. 81.152r and at bottom gutter of fol. 81.182v
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Blank spaces left on fol. 81.156r for non-excuted decorated or illuminated initials
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Provenance: Gift of David Bee (Los Angeles, CA) in 1982, formerly Spec.Rare.CMS.113, VII-81, 370.001-003 (fol. 81.182 not listed in original finding aid)
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Fol. 81.117: Text from a prayer to the Virgin Mary, with mention of the Seven Corporal Acts of Mercy, the Twelve Articles of Faith, the Ten Commandments, and the Seven Deadly Sins
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Fol. 81.152: Text from a prayer invoking the Three Kings, St. Michael, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and the Virgin Mary
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Fol. 81.156: Text from the Suffrages, with an antiphon for St. Quentin of Amiens and a closing prayer to all martyr saints
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Fol. 81.182: Text from a prayer invoking the instruments of the Passion, with the rubricated opening of a prayer to the Virgin Mary
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Incipit: Fol. 81.117: tres de bonnaire vierge que tu vien / gnes
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Fol. 81.152: beneichon soies vous beneis donc
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Fol. 81.156: Egregie Christi martir quintine susci / pe
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Fol. 81.182: …dit . Et le sant Glorieux qui / la me nous rendit .
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Explicit: Fol. 81.117: …iours / me Noelle monstrer ta fache et moy…
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Forl. 81.152: vous / ennemis naient paoir de vous gre…
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Fol. 81.156: Domine / exaudi orationem meam . Et cla / mor meus ad te remat . Bene / dicamus domino . Deo gracias
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Fol. 81.182: de dieu vierge enlenfantenit / et vierge apres lenfantement
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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