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Extent: fols. 1; membrane; 195 x 129 (125 x 80)
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Layout: 2 columns, 25 lines
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Decoration: 1 3-
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Decoration: line and 2 2-line initials in white and gray with black highlights on gold grounds and infilled with flowers, 4 1-line initials in gold on alternating red and blue grounds, horizontal bar line-fillers in either blue or red with fine gold accents, and prompts and rubrics in red
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Decoration: Full-page miniature of the Crucifixion, with Christ flanked by the good and bad theives, Mary Magdalene at the foot of the Cross, Mary, John, and other saints to the left, and an army of Roman soldiers mounted on horses to the right and Jerusalem's skyline in the background.
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Decoration: The scene is framed by an architectural canopy supported by columns made by branches surmounted by cherus, with three cherubs rolling dice for Christ's clothes at the foot of the Cross. The text on the obverse of the leaf is surrounded by a full border in gold filled with flowers, acanthus leaves, a bird with outstretched wings in the left margin,
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Decoration: and in the lower margina man-faced bird wearing a blue cowl
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Ruled in pink ink
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Provenance: Donated by Nancy and Bill McGrath (Akron, OH) in October 2012
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Provenance: Acquired by the McGrath's from Bruce Ferrini (Akron, OH) in the mid-1980s
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Illustration for the hours of the Holy Cross, with text opening Matins and a rubric announcing the beginning of Matins in the intercalated Hours of the Holy Spirit
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Incipit: Domine / labia / me a / peries
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Explicit: Per omnia secula / seculorum . Amen / Ad mat de sancto spiritu
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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