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Latin (with some Italian rubrics)
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Extent: fols. 14; membrane; 193 x 135 (124 x 77)
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Layout: 1 column, 12 lines
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Decoration: Numerous 1- and 2-line initials in either red or blue, with contrasting penwork in violet or red, respectively, and prompts and rubrics in red 16th- and 17th-centur illuminations--from geometric shapes, emblems, foliage and flowers, pedestals, lamps, and even a figure burning in a furnace--added in colorful drawings at the foot and exterior margin of each recto
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Ruled in plummet
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Some rubrics in Italian
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Fol. 157.41: End of Compline in the Office of the Virgin
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Fol. 157.44: Second Nocturn of Matins in the Office of the Virgin
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Fol. 157.63: Lauds in the Office of the Virgin
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Fol. 157.85: First Nocturn of Matins in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 157.86: First lesson in the first Nocturn of Matins in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 157.89: Third lesson in the first Nocturn of Matins in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 157.98: First lesson in the second Nocturn of Matins in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 157.128: Canticle of Ezechias in Lauds in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 157.135: Canticle of Zachary in Lauds in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 157.137: Lauds in the Office of the Dead
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Fol. 157.143: Hymns for Terce, Sext, and Nones in the Hours of the Cross
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Fol. 157.146: Seven Penitential Psalms
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Fol. 157.148: Seven Penitential Psalms
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Fol. 157.150: Seven Penitential Psalms
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Incipit: Fol. 157.41: tue Israel . Olia
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Fol. 157.44: et inclina aurem tu…
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Fol. 157.63: eternum ps Benedici…
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Fol. 157.85: …dentibus effectus Ecce
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Fol. 157.86: litera lectio prima
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Fol. 157.89: Manus tue domine fe / cerunt
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Fol. 157.98: …mine in via tua et di / rige
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Fol. 157.128: ...ta est amn . quasi tabernacula
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Fol. 157.135: ...quitus est postfac / torum
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Fol. 157.137: vocem deprecationis mere...
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Fol. 157.143: ...gratum ad tertiam un...
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Fol. 157.146: dominum peccatum . nec esti
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Fol. 157.148: et confirmasti super me
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Fol. 157.150: ...ens et non habens in ore
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Explicit: Fol. 157.41: …di el venardi antiphona
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Fol. 157.44: re / gis Pro patribus
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Fol. 157.63: co / det ut sciat rep…
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Fol. 157.85: nos inducas R Sed
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Fol. 157.86: dor / miam et si mane me
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Fol. 157.89: in / vita mea v Commisi…
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Fol. 157.98: Responde michi / quantas habe...
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Fol. 157.128: cum ip / se fecerit Esse cog
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Fol. 157.135: ...parare / vias eius Addandam
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Fol. 157.137: Requiescant / in pace R amen v
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Fol. 157.143: ...landea miles perfo...
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Fol. 157.146: omne que circundedit
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Fol. 157.148: ...age / mitu cordis met et
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Fol. 157.150: boni / tatem Ne derelinquas
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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