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Extent: fols. 1; paper; 184 x 117 (143 x 78)
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Layout: 1 column, 32 lines
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Drypoint or frame ruling
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"Illumina" written in a different hand from the rest of the text at the top of the recto
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Reader-added "livre d'raison" material consisting of the Eight Verses of St. Bernard, essentially a paraphrase of the Seven Penitential Psalms, which medieval legend held St. Bernard learned directly from a demon as the most efficacious prayer for securing salvation.
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Following this text is a second prayer that often accompanied St. Bernard's verses, beginning "Omnipotens sempiterne deus..."
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Incipit: Illumina oculos meos ne unquam
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Explicit: in unita / te spiritus sancti deus per Christum dominum nostrum amen
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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