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Extent: fols. 1; membrane; 163 x 117 (105 x 74)
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Layout: 4 columns, 17 lines
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Decoration: 2-line "KL" in burnished gold on blue and pink grounds with white penwork accents; golden numbers, hours of the sun and moon, and major feasts in red; 1-line dominical letter "A" in alternating blue and burnished gold, with contrasting penwork in red and blue, respectively
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Ruled in light violet ink
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Added in a different hand for 12 August: "Ste. Wadeu"
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"St. Loys . Roy de Franche" suggests the Picard dialect
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Incipit: KL Aoust a xxi iour
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Explicit: VIII d St. Fiacre
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Calendar entries for the month of August
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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