

Porcelii poetae clarissimi et oratoris Ortographia.
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Pandone, Porcelio, approximately 1405-approximately 1485
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Latin language--Orthography and spelling
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Money--Early works to 1800
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Latin language--Orthography and spelling--Early works to 1800
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Early works to 1800
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Extent: 86 leaves : paper, color illustrations ; 167 x 117 (92 x 70) mm bound to 167 x 120 mm
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paper, color illustrations
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Decoration: One four-line and two three-line iIlluminated white vine-stem initials in gold on blue, red, and green grounds (f. 3r, 4v, 12r) with borders on the left margin; rubricated initials, headings, and underlining.
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Origin: Written in Italy on 1 February 1460 (f. 4v).
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Title and author from rubric (f. 3r).
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Ms. codex.
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Incipit/explicit of first work: Et si duram mihi provinciam humanissime vir Cicce Pollio tradidisti (f. 3r) ... Tu humanissime mi Pollio cum meliora inveneris poetae tuo Porcelio impartiare (f. 10v).
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Incipit/explicit of second work: Orthographiam ex quatuor grammaticae partibus unam esse nemo inficiatur (f. 12r) ... Quia placuit magis consuetudine conprobari (f. 83r).
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Foliation: Paper, 86; [1-86]; modern foliation in pencil, lower right recto.
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Layout: Written in 17 long lines; ruled in ink.
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Script: Written in humanistic script by a single hand.
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Binding: Contemporary vellum; small fragments of an earlier manuscript leaf with Latin text in Gothic rotunda script are adhered around the sewing supports to strengthen the spine.
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Sold by Ernesto Immelen (Rome), 1952.
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Formerly owned by D. Andreas Parisino, (signature, f. 3r, 83v, 85v).
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19 September 2023
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19 September 2023
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