

Book of Hours, Use of Rouen
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Latin; Middle French (ca. 1400-1600)
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Extent: iii+98+iii; 145 x 95 mm bound to 152 x 100 mm; parchment
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Several leaves missing, including between fols. 18 and 19, 30 and 31, 41 and 42, 44 and 45, and after fol. 98
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First and last flyleaf are paper, inner flyleaves parchment
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Latin with calendar and some rubrics (starting fol. 81r) in French
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Binding: Original stamped leather over wooden boards, a panel on the top cover showing Saint Romanus (patron saint of Rouen) in episcopal robes treading on a dragon, and on the lower cover a panel depicting Ecce Homo, Christ with the instruments of the Passion, probably executed at Rouen at the end of the fifteenth century; rebacked and stamped in gold on spine: "PRECES PIAE"; marbled paper...
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Layout: One column of twenty-six lines; ruled in faint red ink; prickings visible on outer edges of pages; written area: 95 x 58 mm
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Script: Bâtarde
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Decoration: Eleven full-page miniatures; one quarter-page miniature; illuminated initials and line-fillers throughout
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Related resource: De Ricci, Seymour, with the assistance of W. J. Wilson, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, vol. 2 (New York: H. W. Wilson, 1935-40), p. 2039, no. 86.
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Related resource: Free Library of Philadelphia, A Descriptive Catalogue of the John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts in the Free Library of Philadelphia, compiled by Edwin Wolf, 2nd, with an introduction by Dr. A.S.W. Rosenbach (Philadelphia: The Library, 1937), pp. 138-139, no. 124.
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Provenance: Margaret Le Seigneur, née Fillatre, of Rouen (sixteenth century); George Dunn, of Woolley Hall, sold 1914; John Frederick Lewis, Philadelphia; given by his widow, Anne Baker Lewis, to the Free Library of Philadelphia in 1936; notes from Margaret Le Seigneur, née Fillatre, of Rouen, who entered the births, baptisms, and godparents of her 11 daughters and four sons from 24 December...
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Contributor: Diane Biunno
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Cataloger: Amey Hutchins
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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4 December 2023
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4 December 2023
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