

Gospel lectionary
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Extent: 192+i; 345 x 240 mm bound to 360 x 255 mm; parchment
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Some discoloration and moisture damage to top edges of fols. 75r-77r. A piece of the vellum endpaper has been cut away
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Binding: Eighteenth-century black morocco, gilt back and edges, textblock encased in orphan binding
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Layout: Two columns of twenty-four lines of text; vertical bounding lines in red ink, horizontal ruling in lead; written area: 240 x 145 mm
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Script: Gothic--textualis quadrata
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Decoration: Two full-page coats of arms (fols. 1v-2r); six half-page miniatures with full, inhabited borders (Nativity, fol. 9r; Resurrection, fol. 91v; Pentecost, fol. 105r; Veneration of the Sacrament, fol. 110v; Assumption of the Virgin, fol. 164r; All Saints, fol. 174v); sixteen single-column miniatures with borders (John the Baptist, fol. 3r; Circumcision, fol. 10v; Adoration of the Magi...
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Related resource: Grolier Club, Catalogue of an exhibition of illuminated and painted manuscripts, together with a few early printed books with illuminations-also some examples of Persian manuscripts-with plates in facsimile and an introductory essay (New York: The Grolier Club, 1892), p. 27, no. 62.
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Related resource: Hoe, Robert, A Catalogue of Manuscripts Forming a Portion of the Library of Robert Hoe (New York, 1909), pp. 17-18.
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Related resource: Anderson Auction Company, A Catalogue of the Library of Robert Hoe of New York (New York: Anderson Auction Company, 1912), p. 378, no. 2450.
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Related resource: De Ricci, Seymour, with the assistance of W. J. Wilson, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, vol. 2 (New York,: H. W. Wilson, 1935-40), p. 2031, no. 35.
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Related resource: Free Library of Philadelphia, A Descriptive Catalogue of the John Frederick Lewis Collection of European Manuscripts in the Free Library of Philadelphia, compiled by Edwin Wolf, 2nd, with an introduction by Dr. A.S.W. Rosenbach (Philadelphia: The Free Library, 1937), pp. 174-5, no. 160.
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Related resource: Forgeur, Richard, "Note sur deux manuscrits Cistercians du diocèse de Liège datant du XVI siècle," Scriptorium XL/1 (1986): pp. 100-107.
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Provenance: Jean de Falloize of Liège, ca. 1525 (coat of arms, fol. 1v); Krickenbeek family of Coninxheim (coat of arms, fol. 2r); gift to the Abbaye des Dames Nobles at Herkenrode near Hasselt, province of Liège, on the entrance of Catherine, daughter of descendants of Jean de Falloize and the Krickenbeek family, into the convent in the mid-sixteenth century; Comte Clement-Wenceslas de...
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Contributor: Diane Biunno
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Cataloger: Amey Hutchins
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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4 December 2023
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4 December 2023
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