

Book of Hours, use of Rome
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Extent: iii+133+ii; 146 x 108 mm bound to 153 x 112 mm; parchment
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Binding: Eighteenth-century calf, gilt, rebacked
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Layout: One column of seventeen lines, rubrication in red; written area: 91 x 70 mm
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Script: Gothic--rotunda
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Decoration: Three full-page miniatures, thirteen historiated initials; foliate border and coat of arms of De Raude/Sforza on fol. 17r
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Provenance: Arms of original owner on fol. 17r are Sforza "Biscione" (sinister) and De Raude/da Rho (dexter) surrounded by inscription that can be read as "Cornelia de Raude," possibly a reference to Cornelia, illegitimate daughter of Ottaviano Riario (1479-1523), son of Caterina Sforza (tentative identification by Nicholas Herman); George T. Strong (no. 11, sale, New York, 1878, lot 819; his...
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Contributor: Diane Biunno
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Cataloger: Nicholas Herman
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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4 December 2023
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4 December 2023
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