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Extent: 361 x 521 mm; parchment
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Initial V with All Saints
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This initial begins the first antiphon of Lauds for All Saints (Feb. 2), 'Vidi turbam magnam, quam dinumerare nemo poterat, ex omnibus gentibus stantes ante thronum' (I saw a great multitude which no man could number, out of every nation, standing before the throne). Lewis E M 65:1-78 were once thought to have come from a single manuscript associated with the Cistercian monastery at Zwettl in...
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These leaves can be dated to ca. 1430-1440.
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This image shows the reverse of a leaf with a decorated initial from an antiphonary. This side of the leaf, the true recto, contains chants for Matins.
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Script: Gothic bookhand
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Contributor: David Kalish
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Cataloger: Dot Porter
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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5 December 2023
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5 December 2023
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