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Extent: 320 x 482 mm; parchment
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Initial L
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This initial begins the Introit for the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul (Jan. 25), 'Letemur omnes in domino ...' (Let us all rejoice in the Lord).
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This image shows the reverse of a leaf with a decorated initial from a gradual. This side of the leaf, the true recto, contains the Tract from a mass celebrating an unidentified confessor bishop.
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Initial U
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This initial begins an Introit for the Common of several Virgins, 'Vultum tuum deprecabuntur omnes divites plebis ...' (All that are rich among the citizens).
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This image shows the reverse of a leaf with a decorated initial from a gradual. This side of the leaf, the true verso, continues an Introit for the Common of several Virgins, which begins on the reverse.
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Lewis E M 76:3-4 are from the same manuscript.
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Script: Rotunda
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Contributor: David Kalish
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Cataloger: Dot Porter
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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5 December 2023
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5 December 2023
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