

Book of Hours, use of Paris
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Illuminations (paintings)--France--15th century
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Books of hours--France--15th century
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between 1440 and 1460
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Extent: ff. ii + 175 : parchment ; 153 x 210 mm
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Book of hours, use of Paris, written during the middle of the fifteenth century in France, probably for use in Rouen, given the saints in the calendar; the owners may have been in the parish of the Rouen Cathedral, as suggested by Delaissé, Marrow and de Wit, Waddesdon Manor, pp. 541, n., and 554.
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Span folios: ff. 1-175v. Support: Parchment. Layout: 1-26 38(through f. 84) 12-158 1610(through f. 126) 17-218 226 234(-4). Catchwords usually present in the lower right margin, in the script of the text. Ruled space, 107 x 68 mm; 15 long lines, ruled in pale red ink; pricking usually visible in the lower margin. Written in a gothic book hand in two sizes, according to liturgical function.
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Decoration: Twelve large miniatures by 2 artists above 3 or 4 lines of text, in arched compartments, the more competent work by the Master of Sir John Fastolf. Borders usually consist of a wide gold bar with blue and vermillion leaf patterns in a U-shape around text and miniature, the bars themselves terminating at the 4 corners in multicolored acanthus leaves. The outer border usually...
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Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 9/10/2009.
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On ff. 1 (erased but legible) and 13, is the note in a rounded gothic hand: "Monasterii et Cellae Abbatis Septimi," which may refer to the Premonstratensians of Septfontaines near Reims. Owned by Brayton Ives; his sale, American Art Association, New York, 5 March 1891, n. 627. Belonged to Robert Hoe: Grolier Club (1892) n. 25 ; Cat. (1909) pp. 45-46 ; his sale, Anderson, New York, 1911, pt. I...
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22 July 2024
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22 July 2024
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