

Book of Hours, use of the congregation of Windesheim
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Illuminations (paintings)--Belgium--15th century
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Books of hours--Belgium--16th century
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Books of hours--Belgium--15th century
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Illuminations (paintings)--Belgium--16th century
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Extent: ff. ii + i + 120 + i + ii : parchment ; 114 x 153 mm
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Book of Hours, written perhaps in the Ghent-Bruges area as suggested by the style of the miniatures, but liturgically intended for someone connected with a house of the Windesheim congregation. A reference in an indulgence on f. 93 to Pope Sixtus IV indicates a date certainly after 1471. Although most prayers present masculine forms, one, on f. 116v, refers to "me famulam tuam."
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Span folios: ff. 1-120v. Support: Parchment. Layout: 14(+1) 26(+7, f. 12) 38(-3, after f. 14) 4-88 96(through f. 65) 108(+1, f. 66) 116 124(through f. 84) 13-148 158 168 1788(-7, 8). Ruled space, 103 x 70 mm; 20 long lines, ruled in light purple ink; some pricking visible in the lower margin. Written in a gothic book hand.
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Decoration: Two full page illuminations, both on the versos of added singletons. Six large miniatures above 6 lines of text in the style of the artists of the Grimani Breviary. Sixteen smaller miniatures , 45-55 x 43-50 mm. Miniatures for the suffrages, ca. 40-30 x 30-25 mm. 3-, 2- and 1-line initials, in grey highlighted and decorated in white against gold-decorated maroon grounds; ribbon...
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Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 9/13/2009.
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The coat of arms on f. 1v bears the elaborate achievement of Margaretha van Bergen, consort of Floris van Egmond. The representation presumably dates from before 1500 when Floris van Egmond's father died, since the Egmond arms are here differenced with a label of six points argent; the representation is also considered to be before 1505 when Floris van Egmond was elected to the order of the...
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22 July 2024
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22 July 2024
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