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Extent: fols. 1; membrane; 109 x 83 (60 x 40)
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Layout: 1 column, 15 lines
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Decoration: 2 2-line initials in burnished gold on pink and blue grounds with white penwork accents and 10 1-line initials in alternating blue and burnished gold with contrasting penwork in red and blue, respectively, occasionally trailing into the margins
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Otto Ege's identification notes in pencil written in the bottom margin of the verso
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Provenance: Donated by Keith Jarvis in honor of his grandmother, Ruth Fowler Jarvis, who acquired this folio at the Lima, OH Public Library in the 1950s
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Provenance: Likely the former property of Otto F. Ege (Cleveland, OH), see Gwara, "Otto Ege's Manuscripts," no exact match provided, but possibly HL 237
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Provenance: For further information about the Lima, OH Public Library's sale of Ege MSS, see: Eric J. Johnson, ""Deathless fragments within the reach of many …": Tracing Four Decades of Manuscript Fragmentation via the Lima (OH) Public Library Staff Loan Fund Association Archive."
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Provenance: Manuscript Studies: A Journal of the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies, vol. 8 no. 2, 2023, p. 329-351. https://doi.org/10.1353/mns.2023.a916134.
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Text from Sext in the Office of the Dead
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Incipit: nostrum donec misereatur
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Explicit: Qui confidunt in domi…
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26 August 2024
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26 August 2024
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