

Initial C with the Mass of St. Gregory the Great
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Extent: 164 x 175 mm; parchment
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This initial begins an unidentified chant probably for the feast of St. Gregory the Great (d. 604). The scene portrays a miracle from the life of St. Gregory, who while performing Mass, witnessed the stigmatized Christ on the altar.
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Lewis E M 43:13-14 appear to be from the same manuscript. The initials in these cuttings were illuminated by an artist within the circle of the Master of Petrarchs Triumphs, so-called from his work in a grand illuminated French manuscript of Petrarchs Triumphs done for Louis XII (r. 1499-1515). The work of this master and his followers is closely related to the workshop of Jean Pichore, an...
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This image shows the reverse of a cutting with an historiated initial from a gradual.
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Contributor: David Kalish
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Cataloger: Dot Porter
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Funder: Council on Library and Information Resources
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4 December 2023
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4 December 2023
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